First, thanks to Kenton over at 750 Volts. ( ) I found this survey over there, and thought it was kind of neat.
The Usual
:: name = Neal
:: piercings = If God had meant for me to have more holes in me that I do, he would have put them there.
:: tattoos = Not big on the pain thing.
:: height = 6'4"
:: shoe size = 15
:: hair color = brown
:: eye color = blue
:: siblings = 1
:: movie you rented = Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace
:: movie you bought = Jim and Jesse: Stars of the Grand Ole Opry
:: song you listened to = "Midnight Rider" by Willie Nelson
:: song that was stuck in your head = "Foggy Mountain Breakdown" by Flatt and Scruggs
:: cd you bought = "After All These Years" by Eddy Arnold
:: cd you listened to = "Don't Cry To Me" by Jimmy Martin
:: person u were thinking of = Hmm...I've thought about several folks.
:: you have a crush on someone = Sure do.
:: you wish you could live somewhere else = On occasion. Someplace like Montana...or Colorado.
:: you believe in online dating = No. A big no.
:: others find you attractive = Hey, I am a pretty cute guy...
:: you want more piercings = Thought we had been through this?
:: you like cleaning = Nope.
:: you like roller coasters = Never been on one.
:: you write in cursive or print = Always cursive.
:: long distance relationships = Whatever boils your crawfish.
:: using someone =Not nice.
:: suicide = Something I would never do.
:: killing people = If you can't play nice, just go home.
:: teenage smoking = That's illegal, isn't it?
:: driving drunk = Dangerous. Very bad idea
:: gay/lesbian relationships = Not my business.
:: soap operas = I used to like that one with the midget on it.
:: ever cried over a girl = Okay, so I'm tenderhearted.
:: ever cried over a boy = No. Thats one of those not applicable things.
:: ever lied to someone = Gotta be honest to avoid telling another one, so yes.
:: ever been in a fist fight = Just two hits; I hit them and they hit the ground.
:: ever been arrested = Nope.
:: shampoo do you use = I think it's Pert
:: shoes do you wear = New Balance, and I also have some boots I like when it snows
:: are you scared of = There's alot of things that scare me.
:: of times I have been in love? = I'm not sure.
:: of girls you’ve obsessed over who wouldn’t date you = Just two or three.
:: of times your name has appeared in the newspaper? = A good eight or ten times, counting Letters to the Editor and Obituaries.
:: of scars on my body? = Hmm...Six or eight. never counted before.
:: of things in my past that I regret? = Quite a few.
:: pretty - Just purty as can be!
:: funny - I like to think so. Sometimes other people say I'm just sarcastic.
:: friendly - To a fault.
:: amusing - I can be, when I'm upset
:: ugly - Go back and read the "pretty" response!
:: loveable - They do call me a big teddy bear.
:: caring - Again, to a fault.
:: sweet - I get called sweet quite often. Just being myself though.
:: dorky - Not really.
:: 7 letter word: Hmm...Liberal is nice
:: actor/actress: Actor...Chris Rock. Actress...Kirstie Alley.
:: Candy: Those little Werther's candies.
:: Cartoon: Ren and Stimpy was good.
:: Cereal: Count Chocula's...Since Kindergarten.
:: Chewing gum: Double Bubble. If I'm gonna chew it, it's gotta be big and sugary.
:: Color(s): Blue, green.
:: Day of week: I've always been partial to Thursdays. I was born on one.
:: Least fave day: Tuesdays. Definitly. Don't ask me why, because I just picked it out of the air.
:: Flower: I like lillies. (Yeah, I'm in touch with my "inner feelings")
:: Jello flavor: I'm not a fan of anything I can't chew.
:: Jewelry: I've got a gold eagle ring, and also one with my birthstone in it.
:: Special skills/talents: My Mommy says I'm talented at everything! Okay, but seriously, I'm a good guitar player.
:: Summer/Winter: I just love snow!
:: Trampolines or swimming pools: Well, gee, I can't swim, so it narrows my choices.
Person who last..
:: Slept in your bed: Well, I did.
:: Saw you cry: Probably like 50 people at the Veteran's Hospital.
:: Made you cry: I wear my heart on my sleeve. So what?
:: You went to the movies with: last ex-girlfriend. Back in August.
:: Yelled at you: A certain teacher. (Can't stand her. Miserbale person)
:: Sent you an email: Nobody e-mails me! Now I'm sad!
Have you ever..
:: Said "I love you" and meant it?: At the time I thought I did.
:: Gone out in public in your pajamas: Hahaha...Yes, but not very far from the house.
:: Kept a secret from everyone: I'm pretty good at that.
:: Cried during a movie: Nope.
:: Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block stuff: I didn't know til recently, but yes. I looked awesome in neon green though.
:: Been on stage: Yep, several times.
:: Been to New York: Nope.
:: Been to California: Nope.
:: Hawaii: Nope.
:: China: Nope.
:: Canada: Nope.
:: Europe: Nope.
:: Asia: Nope.
:: South America: Nope.
:: Australia: Nope. (Okay, can we see a pattern emerging???)
:: Wished you were the opposite sex: No. I'm happy with my anatomy the way it is.
:: What time is it now?: 3:40pm.
:: Apples or bananas?: Apples.
:: Blue or red?: Blue
:: Walmart or target?: Wal-Mart. I swear by it.
:: Spring or Autumn?: Autumn, although I've never called it that. Fall.
:: What are you gonna do after you finish this?: Go to McDonald's.
:: What was the last meal you ate? Some fried chicken, mashed potatoes, collard greens, and corn bread.
:: High school or college?: Senior in High School. Class of 2006!
:: Are you bored?: At the moment, extremely. (Why else would I have spent a half hour doing this?)
:: Last noise you heard?: The announcer on television just said "Nationals take the lead!"
:: Last smell you sniffed?: Hmm...I just smelled a candle in the kitchen.
:: Last time you went out of state?: I live like 3 miles from Tennessee. So basically every day or so.
:: Do you believe in love at first sight?: My pickup line: "Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by you again?"
:: Do you want children one day & if so, how many?: Sure! Quite a few. Maybe I could start my own baseball team.
:: Most important thing to you in a friendship is: Hmm...Trust is always a good thing.
Other Info
:: Criminal record?: Nope.
:: Do you speak any other languages?: I'm in 2nd year French. I could probably go to France and survive a day or two on what I know.
:: Who you love: I heard a country singer once say "Love everybody". Sounds good to me.
:: Who you miss: My late grandparents.
:: Nickname(s): (Not my doing, mind you), Biggin, Neal Bear, Frankie G (don't ask), The guy with the face.
:: How old do you look?: I'm 17, but I pass for 25.
:: How old do you act?: I'm fairly mature, although I often do look up dirty words in the dictionary, just to make sure they're still there.
:: Glasses/Contacts: Glasses.
:: Braces: Nope.
:: Do you have any pets? A little miniature Collie.
:: You get embarrassed: Not much. It takes a lot.
:: What makes you happy?: Politics. Girls. Country Music. Family. Love. Etc.
:: What upsets you?: I don't get upset much anymore.
Finish the sentence:
:: I Love… "...little baby ducks, old toy trucks, slow moving trains, and rain. Little country streams, sleep without dreams, Sunday school in May, and hay..." (Tom T. Hall song...)
:: I Miss… We've been through this one.
:: I Wish… For a Democratic President, world peace, and the Nationals v. the Indians in the World Series.
:: I Hope… That I'm almost done with this survey
:: I’m Annoyed by… Ignorance.
:: I Am… An all-around nice guy.
:: I Want to Be… the Governor of Virginia, or a U.S. Senator (or both)
:: I Would Never… expect our football team to win a game.
:: I’d Rather… that our football team did win a game.
:: I’d Give… to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, St. Jude's, etc.:: I Am Tired of… Typing. My fingers hurt.
:: I Will Always be… Who I am.
Have you ever..
:: Thought you were going to die: I assume at some point. But I've had a couple of close-calls.
:: Wanted to Run away: I actually did once. I came back like an hour later.
:: Been Cheated On: You bet.
:: Cheated On Someone: After I got cheated on.
:: Fought with a boy over a member of the opposite sex: Not worth it.
:: Flunked a grade: Nope.
:: Skipped a grade: Never been smart enough for that stuff.
:: Slept with a member of the opposite sex and just slept for the night: What kind of question is that?
Okay, now that
that's through..