John G. Roberts will likely be confirmed Thursday to be the 17th Chief Justice of the United States (I would predict, by the way, that the vote will be 76-24). But the battle royale will begin on Friday when President Bush will likely nominate a replacement for Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who is retiring.
A very reputable source has dropped seven names:
1-Judge Edith Brown Clement, age 57, New Orleans, LA.
2-Judge Emilio Garza, age 59, San Antonio, TX.
3-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, age 50, Washington, DC/Texas.
4-Judge Edith Hollan Jones, age 56, Houston, TX.
5-Fmr. Asst. Attorney General Larry Thompson, age 59, Purchase, NY.
6-Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson, III, age 60, Charlottesville, VA.
7-White House Counsel Harriet Miers, approx. aged 55-60, Dallas, TX.
The first thing that jumps out at me is that there is just one white guy. Good job, Georgie!! But, being serious, it breaks down like this: Women-3, Men-4, Hispanics-2, Blacks-1, Whites-4.
There have been other names floating in addition to these (Diane Sykes, Ed Prado, Priscilla Owen, Janice Rodgers Brown, William Pryor, Sonia Sotomayer, Theodore Olson, etc.), but I think that it'll be one of the seven I've mentioned. I'll even go out on a limb and predict this: Larry Thompson (1st choice), Edith Clement (2nd choice), Emilio Garza (3rd choice).
There's a part of me that hopes President Bush will appoint some little-known right-wing idealogue that will cause a firestorm in the Senate. I love a good fight.
Hey, wanna hear a joke? Okay, here goes; Jerry Kilgore's office called me one day...
Okay, not a joke. I'm being serious. Here's a pretty close facsimile of what was said:
*ring, ring*
Me: Hello?
Staffer: Hey, is this Neal?
Me: Yes it is.
Staffer: Hey, Neal. This is Nathaniel with Jerry Kilgore's campaign. How are you today?
Me: I'm good, thanks.
Staffer: Neal, you know as I do that Jerry's campaign is doing great all across the state, and it's important that we continue to lead this race and win in November.
Me: Really? He's leading? I had heard he had been fumbling quite a bit, on the abortion issue and attacking Governor Warner. He wouldn't do something like that, would he?
Staffer: Well, we'll be talking about issues later on. The reason I'm calling today is that Jerry will be holding a rally on Tuesday, October 6th at 12:45 pm, at the Virginia Highlands Airport in Abingdon. He'll be bringing along the NRA's Executive VP, Wayne LaPierre. Jerry would be honored if you would attend.
Me: Is that so?
Staffer: Yes sir, Would you be interested in attending?
Me: Sounds interesting...Can I hand out stuff for a couple of candidates I'm supporting?
Staffer: Which candidates, Neal?
Me: Tim Kaine, Leslie Byrne, and Creigh Deeds. Also maybe some literature on re-instating the Assault Weapons Ban. Will that be alright?
Staffer: I don't believe so sir. Have a good day.
Me: Okay, bye bye.
Question: Would "Jerry and Wayne" still be honored for me to attend?
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