Never be afraid to stand with the minority when the minority is right, for the minority which is right will one day be the majority. - William Jennings Bryan

Friday, February 10, 2006

But What About The Bumper Stickers?

Former Secretary of the Navy James Webb has his Senate campaign website up, here. Above, I've got a picture of his campaign logo. I'm assuming it will change in the coming weeks, but, my question is this; What about the bumper stickers? I know I've still got Tim Kaine and Creigh Deeds stickers on my car (mainly because I'm afraid of what it'll look like when I pull them off), and when I take them off, I plan to replace them with a Boucher for Congress sticker and a Webb for Senate sticker. But I think his bumper stickers should be dark red or blue, with bold lettering (I'm sure y'all are interested in how I think a bumper sticker should look. Right.).

Below, I tossed together a little logo that I like (I made it in Paint, so it's nothing fancy). Thoughts? Any other ideas?


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